Part Alerts - WatchCQ

Be first for the parts you need.

Get alerts for parts when they become available!

WatchCQ Benefits

An alerting service that lets you know when the parts you are looking for each day become available.
Get the parts

High demand and limited supply are a reality today. In this market, even a small delay can cost you the inventory. WatchCQ notifies you sooner so you can immediately buy the parts you need.

Save time

Paying someone to check for the same parts everyday? Multiple times a day? Let WatchCQ do that routine task on your behalf. Give your buyers more time to focus on the next supply chain emergency!

Stay organized

You likely have multiple projects and several parts on your hot list. With WatchCQ, manage the full list and notification frequency in a single place. Know when any part is available for purchase.

Have you heard of StockCQ?

StockCQ helps you find parts you need from your peers.

Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1

Login with your free CalcuQuote account

Step 2

Add parts and search parameters to your watchlist.

Step 3

Receive alerts when WatchCQ finds a match for what you're looking for!


Which suppliers are searched by WatchCQ?

WatchCQ searches the full network of CalcuQuote supplier partners, covering the vast majority of the authorized inventory in North America and Europe.

What is the price for WatchCQ?

You can use WatchCQ for free upto 15 part searches per day. After that, you'll be prompted to enter your credit card and be charged $0.05 per part search. You can scale up or down your part searches any time, and your credit card will be charged monthly based on the previous month's usage. If you'd like to have a plan for your company (vs. an individual plan on your credit card), just talk to us. Enterprise plans start at $300/month and do not require any long term contracts!

Can I connect to WatchCQ by API?

Yes! Enterprise customers have the option to connect to the WatchCQ service by API and Webhook. This means you can create your own integrations into third party systems. For example: you can have allocated parts from your MRP automatically added to your WatchCQ list and then removed when you receive a push notification.

Does WatchCQ integrate into other CalcuQuote softwares?

We're working on integrations into QuoteCQ, ShopCQ and SearchCQ. Schedule a meeting with us to find out more!

Upcoming Events & Webinars:

Apr 8
Apr 11


Anaheim, California